Erica's Early Learning

Friday, June 29, 2012

"Modeling Competent Communication Skills"

I thought long and hard about a person I admire the most who demonstrates excellent communication, and that person is my Godfather. My Godfather is full of wisdom, faith, love, determination, and charisma. He is the man that keeps me on my toes. He is that person that when he speaks everyone listens. He has this demeanor about himself that stands out over any person he come in contact with, which make him an effective communicator. I would love to pick his brain, so I can get a glimpse of his wondrous wisdom. Being around my Godfather just makes me want to be more like him. I try to model myself after him at times, and friends are always coming to me for help. I even had a friend say, “It’s just something about you. You have this Orr about you.” I believe that Orr comes from my dad because now I am more confident when I speak, and people want to hear what I have to say. So, yes I would love to model some of my own communication behaviors after my Godfather because it makes me a better person. Because of him, I am more responsible, independent, wiser, and my faith is stronger in Christ.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals

I have enjoyed collaborating with you all to make this class one of the best class ever for me. I would like to thank you all for your blog posting, and the response to my blog postings. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors here at Walden University. Live Laugh Love!

 The hope that I have for children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is for them to be able to connect with their peers, so they can feel a sense of welcome and trust. I hope to take what I have learned from this class, and continue to challenge myself to do better so I can better serve the children and families in my program. I want to go beyond the “culture surface” of the children and their families, so I can prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards their needs. Hopefully, this will help me move closer to my goal to become an anti-bias teacher.

Another goal that I have set for myself related to the issues of diversity, equity, and social justice in the early childhood field is to learn as much as I can about those issues, so I can find out the ways I can get involve so I can help children and their families. I want to become an advocate for young children and their families, so I can help those who can‘t help themselves. I want to run a private preschool, so I can help the low-income families who can’t afford the education they deserve. Dr. Derman-Sparks (Laureate, 2011) states we find these joys to be self evident that all children are created whole and endowed with extraordinary intelligence with dignity and wonder and worthy of respect; the embodiment of life, liberty, and happiness, every girl, and boy is entitled to love to dream and belong to a loving village and to pursue a life of purpose.


Laureate Inc. (2011). Diversity and equity work: Lessons learned (EDUC6164: Perspectives on Diversity and Equity ed.). MD: Walden University.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Welcoming Families From Around the World

The name of my family’s country of origin is India. I choose this India as my country because I wanted to know more about it. After reading about India, I have come to an understanding of how I will prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards my new family. For instance, I will be sensitive to their needs because moving to a different country where people might not understand your culture must be hard. I will be patience when it comes to communication because we have to be able to communicate with one another. I will also make them feel welcome by encouraging them to get involve with their child’s education, as well as, asking them for their input about the classroom environment. I will try to include some of their holidays, so they can feel somewhat at home, and so the other children can experience something new. I have learned over the last couple of years working with children that they learn so much just by experiencing and exploring different things. I want my children to learn about diversity, and in order for me to teach them, I must educate myself by staying current on the new information about diversity. Therefore, I will learn all I can about my new family and where they come from, so I can prepare myself to be culturally responsive towards their needs.

I hope that my preparations will benefit both me and the new family by drawing us closer. I want them to understand that I am here for them, and I want them to be able to trust me because building a strong relationship with your family can go a long way. All I want to do is give them an environment, where they can feel welcomed and loved because leaving behind your home and love ones is hard enough.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

This year I have come to the realization that my administration staff is bias towards the four year old teachers. At the end of the school year before graduation, the four year old hall is responsible for giving the children a spirit week. While planning for the spirit week, the administration staff started changing the way we did spirit week. They didn’t want us to watch movies, have a cook out, or water slides like the three year old did last year. When we would ask them why they couldn’t do those things, they would say we were doing too much, and we had to change everything we had planned for them. Now, do you know how frustrating that is for a teacher who has to plan for graduation, end of the year field trips, graduation parties, and finish a NAEYC book? It was a massive headache, and they weren’t going to make it easy for us.
I tried my best to ignore the other teachers when they would talk about the administrative staff, and how bad they were treating us, but it was hard. I just couldn't figure out why they were so hard on us, and why they would let the three year old hall do whatever they wanted to for graduation. At the end of the year, I had a talk with the principal about how the year ended. She said the reason she was so hard on the four year old side was because she couldn’t trust the majority of them. She said besides me, and my co-teacher, she couldn’t trust the rest of the group. So, that’s why we couldn’t do what we wanted to do for spirit week. I don’t think that was fair because the three year old hall gets to do what they want, and the four year old has to go through hell before we can do anything. I am a skilful teacher, and I don’t think it’s fair that my children and I have to suffer because my principal don’t like the teachers on the four year old hall. As, a professional, I think she needs to reexamine herself, and how she runs her program because bias towards individual teachers is not professional at all. She is not giving everyone an equal opportunity, which what a person in her position is suppose to do. If I were her, I would take more classing on professionalism, and learn how to operate a center without bias or prejudice because she is not going to gain any respect from her employees if she continues. Although, I love my job, I believe my administration staff needs some work on their leadership.